If you are on the path to discovering your Self (*), the following gem would prove to be an invaluable one! ЁЯСМ
This gem was delivered by Saadhu Om Swaamigal, an ardent & fiery devotee of Bhagavaan Sri Ramanaa (who else could have delivered this gem? ☺) on 10/07/1978:
Many people believe that their progress in saadhanai can be measured by the amount of time they are able to remain without thoughts; but, remaining without thoughts for sometime is not the true aim of saadhanai. Its aim is only knowledge, which means clear awareness of oneself. What is the use of remaining for five hours without thoughts if all one's desires, anger and other such defects return during the sixth hour? One may remain for three hundred years without knowing the body; but if one does not know oneself, what benefit can one derive from it?
Therefore when we practice saadhanai, our aim should not be to remain without thoughts for as long as possible; but, should only be to know our self. We investigate "Who Am I?" in order to gain knowledge of our self. Having understood that all our problems are due to our incorrect knowledge "I am the body", we must strive only to obtain correct knowledge of our self.
(Source: Mountain Path, July 2016)
(*) - Of course, "discovering your Self" is not a famous phrase. Equivalent & famous phrases are:
роХைро▓ாропроо் роЕроЯைродро▓்
роЪிро╡ройроЯி роЪேро░்родро▓்
ро╡ைроХுрог்роЯроо் роЕроЯைродро▓்
роОроо்рокெро░ுрооாрой் родிро░ுро╡роЯி роЪேро░்родро▓்
рокро░ிроиிро░்ро╡ாрогроо் роЕроЯைродро▓்
роЪொро░்роХ்роХроо் роЕроЯைродро▓்
рокро░ро▓ோроХроо் роЕроЯைродро▓்
рооுроХ்родி роЕроЯைродро▓்
роЮாройроо் роЕроЯைродро▓்
Reaching the Kingdom of Heaven
рооேро▓ுроо், роЪெроп்родி роороЯ்роЯுроо் рокோродாродு. роЕродு роОрои்род рооொро┤ிропிро▓் роЪொро▓்ро▓рок்рокроЯுроХிро▒родு роОрой்рокродுроо் рооிроХ рооுроХ்роХிропроо். роЪிро▓ро░ுроХ்роХு роЕро╡ро░ро╡ро░் родாроп் рооொро┤ிропிро▓், роЗро░ு роХூроЯ்роЯроЩ்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роЪрооро▒்роХிро░ுродрод்родிро▓், роТро░ு роХூроЯ்роЯрод்родிро▒்роХு роЖроЩ்роХிро▓род்родிро▓், рокாрооро░ройுроХ்роХு роТро░ு рооொро┤ிропிро▓், "рокроЯிрод்родро╡ройுроХ்роХு" роТро░ு рооொро┤ிропிро▓் роОрой роЪெроп்родிропை ро╡ிроЯ рооொро┤ி рооுроХ்роХிропрооாроХிро╡ிроЯுроХிрой்ро▒родு. ЁЯШД
(рокроХро╡ாрой் ро╕்ро░ீро░роорогро░் роЗрои்род роЕро│ро╡ு ро╡ிро░ிрод்родுроХ் роХூро▒ро╡ிро▓்ро▓ை роОрой்ро▒ாро▓ுроо், роЕро╡ро░ுроХ்роХே роЙро░ிроп рокாрогிропிро▓் роиро▒ுроХ்роХெрой்ро▒ு роЪிро▓ ро╡ாро░்род்родைроХро│ிро▓் рооройிродройிрой் роЗрои்род рооொро┤ிрок் рокро▒்ро▒ை роХிрог்роЯро▓роЯிрод்родிро░ுроХ்роХிро▒ாро░் ЁЯШГ)
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