Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi was born on December 30, 1879. His birthday, however, is observed according to the Tamil calendar in Maargazhi when the moon is with the star Punarvasu.
When it was first proposed in 1912 to celebrate His birthday, Bhagavan expressed his objection in the form of the following two verses. Even so, his disciples were not deterred and the Jayanti day festival continues to be one of the great annual events at the Ashram.
1. You who wish to celebrate a birthday, inquire first who was born. One's true birthday is when one enters into the Eternal Being which shines forever without birth or death
2. Of all days on one's birthday one should mourn one's fall (into samsara). To celebrate it as a festival is like adorning and glorifying a corpse. To seek one's Self and merge in it is wisdom.

Till we attain certain maturity, till the Western venom has its effect, we think life is celebration, life is linear, we are in control of our life, etc., ЁЯШЭ After a point, we begin to realize that life is a losing game, life is sorrowful, age is irrelevant, education is waste, experience has no meaning, etc., Crown jewel is when we realize we can't even pluck our own hair. ЁЯШВЁЯШВ
If age is irrelevant, why did our ancestors said "рокெро░ிропро╡роЩ்роХ роЪொрой்ройா рокெро░ுрооாро│் роЪொрой்рой рооாродிро░ி"? ЁЯШЙ
The clue to this question is, "рооுродுрооை роОрой்рокродு роЗро░рог்роЯாроо் роХுро┤рои்родை рокро░ுро╡роо்". How do we make an adamant child eat? By calling him/her "роиீ роиро▓்ро▓ рокிро│்ро│ родாройே", "рокுрод்родிроЪாро▓ி рокிро│்ро│ родாройே", etc., Got it? ЁЯША By assigning the good qualities the child is lacking, we try to turn him/her good. In the same way, we equal old people with рокெро░ுрооாро│் and try to infuse godly qualities into them!!
Why рокெро░ுрооாро│்? Why not роЪிро╡рой்? Because роЪிро╡рой் is always silent and рокெро░ுрооாро│் is the one who does everything (ро╡ைрогро╡ рокெро░ுрооாро│் = роЪைро╡ роЪроХ்родி). So, what use is of a silent oldy? ЁЯШЙ God and, that too, a hard-working God is what a family needs!! ЁЯШВЁЯШВ
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