Saturday, August 17, 2019

Robin Hood (2018)

Didn't expect this US$100m movie to do so badly. It collected only US$84m worldwide!!! Reviews vehemently branded it as very poor. Within 30 min of watching this movie, I got the first clue. Then, after about 2/3rds, I got the full answer. Please go through these dialogue pieces, discover the main reason and amuse yourself:

Friar Tuck: Sir, it’s been a bit since your last confession. Would you care to unburden yourself to your friar?

Sheriff of Nottingham: My conscience is clear. Is yours?

Friar Tuck: Try as I might, mine’s always a bit of a muddle.

Sheriff of Nottingham: Well, be that as it may, keep your ears open in your little booth. Any talk of the thief, bring it to me.

Friar Tuck: But, sir, with respect, the Seal of the Confessional is sacred.

Sheriff of Nottingham: Nothing’s sacred till I’ve caught that thief and drowned him in a cage.


Arch Deacon: There’s been whispers of revolt. Unchecked, those whispers will build into a roar. 

Sheriff of Nottingham: It’s treason. It’s punishable by death.

Friar Tuck: Treason’s a very strong word, sir. Isn’t the Christian thing to turn the other cheek?

Sheriff of Nottingham: How do you love a God that gives you that face?

[Deacon and Nottingham laugh]

Arch Deacon: Sheriff! Given our shared interest in the outcome of the war, it’s essential this thief is caught and his rhetoric suffocated. 

Sheriff of Nottingham: I’ll restore the order. You keep the faith, Your Grace.

Arch Deacon: Sheriff, the church can make a man, or break him. For your allegiance, we offer you the world. But in failure, we can also take it away. Remember that. Hm? Let’s make the cardinal feel welcome, sheriff.


[Sheriff grabs hold of Tuck]

Sheriff of Nottingham: If you ever defy me again in front of the church…

Friar Tuck: I‘m sorry, sir. I was only speaking for the Gospels.

Sheriff of Nottingham: Oh, the Gospels. Well, never, never forget, Tuck, God’s up there. I’m down here.


A Muslim guides a Christian!

A Darkman guides a Whiteman!!

The Church is evil & manipulates kingdoms!!!

What was Leonardo DiCaprio thinking? ЁЯдФ That he can show the present Lords of The Universe (Whites) in poor light? ЁЯШТ That he can the reveal the true face of a US$150+b notorious business conglomerate? ЁЯди


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